Agile Consulting →

Mission Statement

Do you really need complicated processes and software to deliver what your customers want?

I want teams to be successful, and specialise in keeping things powerfully simple, with a goal of sharing agile expertise with you.

I hope that I can add you to my list of satisfied clients, either by working with you directly, or providing useful information on this site.

How I Can Help

Teaching Agile development requires patience and experience from mentors, as team members work through the differences of a new approach. While Agile methods are deceptively simple, there are a lot of tips and simple improvements that can make the difference between being a mediocre team and being an excellent one.

Pairing Picture

I can help your team in many ways:

  • conducting a structured retrospective
  • delivering presentations on agile techniques
  • actively working with them and offering “from the trenches” guidance and feedback
  • brainstorming ideas and improving approaches to planning and innovation

Please contact me to discuss your needs in more detail, or feel free to browse any of the papers I have written on agile techniques.